Nodejs Curl

curl is a a command line tool that allows to transfer data across the network.

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Q for mac. It supports lots of protocols out of the box, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, IMAP, SMTP, POP3, and many more.

When it comes to debugging network requests, curl is one of the best tools you can find.

It’s one of those tools that once you know how to use you always get back to. A programmer’s best friend.

It’s universal, it runs on Linux, Mac, Windows. Refer to the official installation guide to install it on your system.

The build process will use curl-config available on path, if you want to overwrite it to your own libcurl installation one, you can set the curlconfigbin variable, like mentioned above for curlstaticbuild. And if you don't want to use curl-config, you can pass two extra variables to control the build process. Curlincludedirs Space separated list of directories to search for header files.

Fun fact: the author and maintainer of curl, swedish, was awarded by the king of Sweden for the contributions that his work (curl and libcurl) did to the computing world.

Let’s dive into some of the commands and operations that you are most likely to want to perform when working with HTTP requests.

Those examples involve working with HTTP, the most popular protocol.

Perform an HTTP GET request

When you perform a request, curl will return the body of the response:

Get the HTTP response headers

By default the response headers are hidden in the output of curl. To show them, use the i option:

Only get the HTTP response headers

Using the I option, you can get only the headers, and not the response body:

Perform an HTTP POST request

Trillworks curl

The X option lets you change the HTTP method used. By default, GET is used, and it’s the same as writing

Using -X POST will perform a POST request.

You can perform a POST request passing data URL encoded:

In this case, the application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type is sent.

Perform an HTTP POST request sending JSON

Instead of posting data URL-encoded, like in the example above, you might want to send JSON.

In this case you need to explicitly set the Content-Type header, by using the H option:

Node Js Curl Post

You can also send a JSON file from your disk: Powerpoint for mac for free download.

Node Js Curl Request

Perform an HTTP PUT request

The concept is the same as for POST requests, just change the HTTP method using -X PUT

Follow a redirect

A redirect response like 301, which specifies the Location response header, can be automatically followed by specifying the L option:

will not follow automatically to the HTTPS version which I set up to redirect to, but this will:

Store the response to a file

Using the o option you can tell curl to save the response to a file:

You can also just save a file by its name on the server, using the O option:

Using HTTP authentication

If a resource requires Basic HTTP Authentication, you can use the u option to pass the user:password values:

Set a different User Agent

The user agent tells the server which client is performing the request. By default curl sends the curl/<version> user agent, like: curl/7.54.0.

You can specify a different user agent using the --user-agent option:

Inspecting all the details of the request and the response

Use the --verbose option to make curl output all the details of the request, and the response:

Copying any browser network request to a curl command

When inspecting any network request using the Chrome Developer Tools, you have the option to copy that request to a curl request:

Cool Node Js Examples

If you are familiar with Curl, the command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax, you might wonder how can that be done with NodeJS. Well, looking at the nodeJS API, it’s clear that HTTP.request gives you something that looks like a Curl equivalent. But, I want to write the response to a file and do some looping so that I can use an array of URLs instead of just making a request to one URL.
Looking around, I found a great nodeJS module called request which is a small abstraction on top of http.request and makes writing my script much easier. First, I added the request and filesystem module to my script plus the array of URLs I want to scrape. Then I did a for-loop to iterate through the array and inside the loop, I put the request function, passing the file and url parameters, and some console.log() calls to print what’s happening:

Nodejs Curl Equivalent

As you can see from the output, only the second url and file was scraped. This is because, in NodeJS, everything is asynchronous, so we need to pass the url and file from the loop to a separate function:

Nodejs Curl Install

Another good nodeJS module for doing curl like web scraping is curlrequest. Of course, for some serious web scraping, I recommend using PhantomJS.