Python Imessage

  1. Python Messagepack
  2. Python Message Queue
  3. Python Read Imessage
  4. Applescript Send Imessage

Sending an SMS using Python (an example) Below is an example of how to send a text message using Python. From import TextmagicRestClient username = 'yourtextmagicusername' token = 'yourapiv2key' client = TextmagicRestClient(username, token) message = client.messages.create(phones=', text='Hello TextMagic'). Building the App. We use the python script written earlier as a starting point on the Node version. We do this language conversion because we eventually want to package this whole thing up into a AppStore Mac app. Electron makes this process easier and we want to keep all of our code in the same language.

Whenever we talk about sending an SMS to our phone using any programming language the first thing that comes into our head is Twilio SMS library.But in this post we are going to avoid twilio and use python builtin module SMTPLIB I know it sounds crazy since SMTPLIB is used to send emails but we can also send text messages using that module. In order to send text message to your phone all you need to know is sms-gateway. So every carrier has their own sms-gateways and you can read more about it here SMS GATEWAYS.

SMS Gateways for each Carrier

  • AT&T: [number]
  • Sprint: [number] or [number]
  • T-Mobile: [number]
  • Verizon: [number]
  • Boost Mobile: [number]
  • Cricket: [number]
  • Metro PCS: [number]
  • Tracfone: [number]
  • U.S. Cellular: [number]
  • Virgin Mobile: [number]

So lets begin writing the script

  • First we need to import smtplib and MIME module that will help us structure our message by the you can read more about MIME here Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

So this was our simple python script that will allow you to send text messages to your phone. I hope you enjoyed this post if you think i missed any thing feel free to dm me on twitter

Furthermore, here's the python module that I wrote that allows you to send text messages without twilio.
Checkout my Website

Interface for a Protocol Buffers message, supporting basic operations required for serialization.

Python imessage example



Direct Known Subclasses:Google.Protobuf.ICustomDiagnosticMessage, Google.Protobuf.IMessage< T >



Public functions

Calculates the size of this message in Protocol Buffer wire format, in bytes.
MergeFrom(CodedInputStream input)
Merges the data from the specified coded input stream with the current message.
WriteTo(CodedOutputStream output)
Writes the data to the given coded output stream.
Python email message



Descriptor for this message.

All instances are expected to return the same descriptor, and for generated types this will be an explicitly-implemented member, returning the same value as the static property declared on the type.

Public functions

Python Messagepack


Calculates the size of this message in Protocol Buffer wire format, in bytes.

The number of bytes required to write this message to a coded output stream.


Merges the data from the specified coded input stream with the current message.

Webcam for mac os. See the user guide for precise merge semantics.



Python Message Queue

Writes the data to the given coded output stream.

Python Read Imessage


Applescript Send Imessage

Coded output stream to write the data to. Must not be null.