Mediapipe Unity

MediaPipe is a graph-based framework for building multimodal (video, audio, and sensor) applied machine learning pipelines. MediaPipe is cross-platform running on mobile devices, workstations. MediaPipe Unity Plugin This is a Unity (2019.4.23f1) Plugin to use MediaPipe (

This is a sample Unity (2019.4.10f1) Plugin to use Mediapipe.




Please be sure to install required packages and check if you can run the official demos on your machine.


By default, it is assumed that you use OpenCV 3 and it is installed under /usr (e.g. /usr/lib/ your version or path is different, please edit C/third_party/opencv_linux.BUILD and C/WORKSPACE.

Protocol Buffer

The protocol buffer compiler is required.It is also necessary to install .NET Core SDK(3.x) and .NET Core runtime 2.1 to build Google.Protobuf.dll.


You may want to edit BUILD file before building so as to only include necessary calculators to reduce the library size.For more information, please see the BUILD file.


The models used in example scenes are copied under Assets/Mediapipe/SDK/Models by running make install.

Download free minecraft for mac. If you’d like to use other models, you should place them so that Unity can read.For example, if your graph depends on face_detection_front.tflite, then you can place the model file under Assets/Mediapipe/SDK/Models/ and set the path to the model_path value in your config file.

If neccessary, you can also change the model paths for subgraphs (e.g. FaceDetectionFrontCpu) by updating mediapipe_model_path.diff.

Example Scenes

  • Hello World!
  • Face Detection (on CPU/GPU)
  • Face Mesh (on CPU/GPU)
  • Iris Tracking (on CPU/GPU)
  • Hand Tracking (on CPU/GPU)
  • Pose Tracking (on CPU/GPU)
  • Hair Segmentation (on GPU)
  • Object Detection (on CPU/GPU)


DllNotFoundException: mediapipe_c


Mediapipe Unity Pro

OpenCV’s path may not be configured properly.

If you’re sure the path is correct, please check on Load on startup in the plugin inspector, click Apply button, and restart Unity Editor.Some helpful logs will be output in the console.

InternalException: INTERNAL: ; eglMakeCurrent() returned error 0x3000

Mediapipe Hands

If you encounter an error like below and you use OpenGL Core as the Unity’s graphics APIs, please try Vulkan.



Mediapipe Demo